Thursday, February 13, 2014

Happy Valentines Day! Pinterest Project...ummm Not sure..

I can't for the life of me remember if I saw this on pinterest or not. I would think I probably did because I am not so great at coming up with cute crafty ideas like this...anyway.
We did this tonight for Miss Emmeline. I cut all the hearts out of paper and left a trail from her bedroom to her gift of the Candy/Valentines Day basket. I hope she loves it. I have set the stage forever now right? LOL
My Gommy/Grandmother used to give me a plastic heart filled with M&M's every year! I loved it
Those are memories I will never forget and I want Emm to have her memories of Valentines Day just like I did...Chocolate!!!!!!!!
I did however take credit for this Holiday. No cupid...No Santa...No tooth fairy...Just Mommy and Daddy.
 I hope she loves it.

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