Monday, July 1, 2013

Sharp Legs

This is a memory post...for my little one...Emmeline Claire.
She decided to wake last night/morning at 1:45 screaming get me outta here..get me outta here...
Yeah..she is a bit dramatic...and watches too much Little Bear...
Anyway...I waited the standard..15/20 minutes before going into her room...mind you she is 26 months old now..
I get in there....she tells me to get her out of there...I tell her to go back to sleep...She tells me No Mommy...and clings on me...
So I take her out...binks in her mouth...(normally no BINKS outside of the crib)...I was tired..I broke my own rules...
She sits down on the couch next to me.
Hubby comes out from the bedroom.....he had just gotten home from work an hour prior
I had fallen to sleep on the couch.
He puts his hand on my if to say...".Shit..what are we to do?"
Emm puts her hand on my other knee and says this....
" have sharp legs"
( I did not shave my legs yesterday)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I almost died on the couch at 2am...
How can I look at this precious child of mine at 2am and not laugh...
I laughed...just tried to hide it under the covers...I do not know if that worked or not...LOL

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