Saturday, June 29, 2013

Cattails! New painting listed on Ebay...Bring on some Halloween

Summer is here but I am painting Fall and Halloween paintings NOW...yes I am...

Yeah..I know we are only in the start of Summer..but is already too HOT for me!!!

Humidity and my hair looks like shit....we have another 2/3 months of this???

Don't get me wrong as I do love the beach and looking for my sea glass...but this weather as of late is not so great...I made a rhyme...

I HATE using the Air conditioner and my Alley Cat hates it even more!

Why can't we have a nice Spring and a Summer and have no humidity?

I love the cool air of Fall and snuggling under a blanket with a breeze coming in my window...
Apple or Pumpkin pie baking for desert after eating pork chops and apple sauce...
Corny me..but that is what I love...

Too another 2 months of Summer coming...LOL

I will continue to paint Halloween....and watch when it gets cold out...I will be writing about how much I miss summer and the warm weather...hey I am human ya know? is my newest Halloween painting...
If I sound crazy to anyone this evening...I just tried the sweet tea recipe on Pinterest  ( like 5 glasses) and I have PMS...
So ...there ya go...
p.s...will post the Southern Sweet tea recipe is soooo good.

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