Thursday, July 23, 2015

Pinterest Project #135 Creamy Chicken and Corn Chowder and a New to me Wall Oven and Cook Top

I have not been cooking or baking too much since moving into our new home. The appliances were very old and not in working order.  I have used a microwave, nu wave oven and toaster oven and hot plate for the last 3 1/2 months. It has been challenging and fun at the same time!

Last week while browsing on craigslist I came across a cook top and a wall oven for 160.00 for both! What a deal!
With the help of my husband and our parents we were able to purchase these and have them installed in about 2 days!

Let the cooking and baking begin again!!
I am so happy to have them as I love to cook and bake and with Fall soon approaching;) I will be spending  a lot of time in the kitchen.

This is the first recipe I have tried out on my new cook top!

Creamy Chicken and Corn Chowder...
Delicious with fresh jalapeno peppers from my dads garden!

Give it a try.

Here is a pic of my new wall oven!
New to me :)

This one actually has an electric starter! OH My..I don't need a pilot light lit at all times...wonderful! I just Love Love Love it!

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