Sunday, September 14, 2014

Pinterest Project Umm...95 kind of...FAIL

Well I looked at a bunch of recipes for these so called popcorn balls...
I found a cool one that was supposed to look like a pumpkin
yeah..that sounds fun..
They were orange...had a tootsie roll on don't have tootsie rolls..but we can make it work...
Wait..the recipe calls for orange jello? I don't have orange jello either!
Well we can just use food coloring...put it in with the will be fine....
FINE! I said! did not work..
I guess you need the orange jello for color because no matter how we tried..we could not make orange!!
And forget the this point I was over it...
Instead we had some type of pink birthday cake popcorn balls!
My daughter was sitting on the counter..excuse her foot..
This is why I can't sell to the public...

Here is the way it went down....

My daughter loves to cook with me...And I love her to cook with me too!
Lets make Pumpkins! Pumpkin!
This will be so much fun...we can make popcorn and actually mold pumpkins out of them
"Yay Mommy" You are the Best"..
Yay Me...
Hey...get your toe out of there....c'mon now...LOL

I need to taste this now...says my beautiful daughter..YUMMY

She Loved them of course!!!!

Seriously..this is the most fun I have had in a while...toes or not

The Final Result!
It is Beautiful No?

I would encourage anyone looking for some fun project to do with your little this...  make popcorn balls!!!!!!
I dare you to get them to look like pumpkins!!!!!
I bought tootsie rolls today to try again...I think I might get it next time!

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