Sunday, July 6, 2014

Cake Bombs Pinterest Project #79 and #80

These are a direct result of trying to bake a homemade cake that stuck to the pans this time..last time it came out great...RECIPE HERE

While my homemade cake was in the oven sticking to the pans I wanted to make some homemade icing so I did! RECIPE HERE

After I took the cake out of the oven and let it simply would not come out of my pans???
I sprayed them floured idea why this happened but it did.
So I did not want to waste the cake because it tasted delicious. Went ahead and made these cake bombs by mixing up all of the torn up cake with all of the icing. Rolled into balls and dipped them in chocolate.
YAY it worked out after all....
Had my heart set on vanilla cake with chocolate icing but definitely satisfied my craving with these Cake bombs instead.

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