Sunday, December 15, 2013

Pinterest Project 41 Christmas Ginger Snap Cookies So delicious

I have started to bake all my cookies for Christmas. I found this recipe for Gingersnap cookies HERE

These are delicious cookies. They are very soft inside with a nice crispy outer layer.
The recipe calls for 3/4 of a cup of vegetable oil which I thought was a lot but after trying them I don't really want to change a thing.
I suppose you could substitute applesauce for some of the oil though. I might try that in the future. But for Christmas Cookies...hey I am keeping the oil and like I said...these are DELICIOUS!

Emmeline helped me make these cookies! It is so much fun with her. She stirred all the dry ingredients together. She is getting so big I can't believe it! We had a ball and can't wait to make more cookies!

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