Monday, February 11, 2013

Pinterest Project #11 Removing Pen from Microfiber Couch

I had hoped to never have to use this handy tip I found on pinterest..but low and behold yesterday Miss Emm decided she was going to create a masterpiece on my couch.
I found a method that uses hand sanitizer to remove ink...and it WORKS!
Originally I pinned a method for cleaning microfiber with rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle along with a white sponge and white bristle brush. I did not have any rubbing alcohol on hand but I did have hand sanitizer..which is made of mainly alcohol. SO...see the pictures below at how well this method works. You can find the method I used HERE

Here is the before Picture with Emmeline's art work....   :(  Oh and some rawhide stains from my lovely dog Rudy who likes to eat his biscuits/rawhides on the couch...blahhhhchhh!

 And here is the Result after cleaning with Hand sanitizer and Elbow Grease...
Couch looks better than New! I am going to do the whole couch soon! It worked great!

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