Wednesday, February 13, 2013

In the Living Room we can build a Snowman Pinterest Project #12

Well...another Pinterest Project that was a HIT!
Indoor Snow Play!! YIPPEEEE
Emmeline Loved it and I think I had just as much fun as she did!!
We went out in the mid morning and played in the snow..the snow was kind of powdery so we could not really build a snowman...although we tried..and tried..and TRIED....
We got cold so we came inside and drank some hot cocoa..still my little ones favorite beverage after coming inside..I hope this will not be the case in the summetime!
Anyway..later on in the afternoon I gathered up some snow...actually ALOT of snow..
We played for almost 2 Hours!! Building snowmen..we had a blast.
The original pin/idea was Herecomethegirlsblog  Check it out!
Thank YOU! LOTS of fun!

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