Friday, September 14, 2012

Welcome to our Family Rudolph

We adopted a puppy...

His name is Rudlolph...aka/ Rudy! We LOVE him

He is a Bichon Frise...

We were discussing getting a dog for Emmeline and started researching the different breeds etc...

I had a black lab named dutchess growing up and she was just a sweetheart.. Anyway..

We wanted a dog that would be well behaved and gentle

We were at a Family Reunion last week and we were discussing getting Emm a white fluffy dog..

Well .... As it turned out my stepmom was looking for a home for this little fluff ball!

One of her clients had just gotten Rudy a couple of months ago but unfortunately got very ill and could not care of him. :(

It was Meant to Be!! I know it!

We got him last night and it has been a joy watching him and Emmeline play together. Emmeline loves him so much already..she even tried to give him her pacifier when we told her Rudy was tired...LOL

Here are a few pics of Emm with her new best friend.

We still have Alley Cat..and I will be posting pictures of her soon too...

She basically still rules the house....

She already batted Rudy on the behind a few times...

She has to let him know she is still the BOSS!

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