Sunday, September 23, 2012

Pinterest Project #5

Hot Buttered Soft Pretzels...


Tried this recipe today from a site called Get off your butt and bake...well I actually found it on pinterest.

The original creator of this recipe is Jonna and the recipe can be found HERE

These were OUT OF THIS WORLD delicious!

I was so impressed with myself today..I am not much of a baker
I definitely will say this was Great pin and a great recipe!

I will keep on pinning and keep on posting...

Rudy has me a little busy right now

We have nicknamed him and Emmeline....

Thing One and Thing Two...

As they totally trash the house on a daily basis...

Get into all kinds of trouble together..

They are quite comical...but also quite exhausting!

Please excuse my poor picture here...I plan on practicing the art of photographing food as soon as Emmeline leaves for College.. :)

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