Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Pinterest Project #3

I told you I am addicted!!
Today I did 2 projects with Emm. HMM...Very Productive day here! ;)
First we tried this pool noodle project from Money Saving Mom
She has loads of ideas and I find myself staying on her page longer than pinterest sometimes..uh oh...
Another wonderful website..not enough time!!

Well this idea was for toddler play time/busy bags.
You take a pool noodle and cut it into sections and let your little one string it up...fun!!

Emm had fun at first but quickly got annoyed because she is not ready to actually string the noodles yet...though she tried so hard.

I will definitely say this project was a success because even though we did not string the noodles..we stacked them and played and had a blast.
Thank you Money Saving Mom

I will definitely keep this on my list of things to do as Emm gets a bit older.

Got my Serrated knife ready...

Cut the noodle into pieces...they are not at all the same size either!

I only had twine but I think Rope is what Money Saving Mom suggests

Here we go....Miss Emm is having fun...

Stacking time now...she is so determined!

I had another thought after doing this project.

 Pool noodles are very inexpensive.

                                                    You can get them at the dollar tree

 Now would be a great time to stock up on them if they are on clearance sales too.

I thought these would work great for shipping fragile items as well!!
If you sell on the internet and ship glass or ceramic items...I believe these would work in addition to newspaper etc...

If you sell fragile miniatures you could slip the treasure inside the pool noodle and instant protection!

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